Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Monday, March 24, 2008
Saturday, March 22, 2008




Friday, March 21, 2008
Thursday, March 20, 2008
The next morning Ron got up early and left for work. When his wife woke up she looked out the window and sure enough there was a box gift-wrapped in the middle of the driveway.
Confused, the wife put on her robe and ran out to the driveway, and brought the box back in the house. She opened it and found a brand new bathroom scale.
Ron has been missing since Friday.
A pastor is walking down the street one day when he notices a very small boy trying to press a doorbell on a house across the street. However, the boy is very small and the doorbell is too high for him to reach. After watching the boys efforts for some time, the pastor moves closer to the boy's position. He steps smartly across the street, walks up behind the little fellow and, placing his hand kindly on the child's shoulder leans over and gives the doorbell a solid ring. Crouching down to the child's level, the pastor smiles benevolently and asks, "And now what, my little man?" To which the boy replies, "Now we run!"
Bill Clinton trips and falls over a bridge railing while jogging one morning. Before the Secret Service guys can get to him, three kids who are fishing pull him out of the water below. He’s so grateful, he offers the kids whatever they want.
The first kid shouts, “I want to go to Disneyland with my friends!” and Bill replies, “No problem. I’ll take you on Air Force One.”
The second kid says, “I want a new pair of Nike Air Jordan's,” to which Bill says, “I’ll get them for you and even have Michael sign them!”
The third kid says, “I want a motorized wheelchair with a built-in TV and stereo headset!”
Clinton, looking perplexed, utters: “But, son, you don’t look like you’re handicapped.”
The kid answers, “I will be once my dad finds out I saved your sorry ass from drowning.
A Sunday school teacher asked the children just before she dismissed them to go to church, "And why is it necessary to be quiet in church?" Annie replied, "Because people are sleeping."
Monday, March 10, 2008
In this picture it is very difficult to find that which one is real and which one is made of wax i think God created the man and also the wax and man used the wax to shape a beautiful thing. It may be used as a candle to light the darkness or at a table to romancifiy the atmosphere and to help to get the two hearts closer to each other.


Sunday, March 9, 2008
Mobile To Be Used By Girls!

Animals World
This is 4 Every One ?
water reply: but i can feel your tear's,because u r inMy Heart.
Wishes 4 u
Great start 4 Mon
No obstacles 4 Tues
No stress 4 Wed
No worry 4 Thu
Smile 4 Fri
Enjoy 4 Sat &
Take care 4 Sun.
Smile a while and while you smile,
smile another smile
and soon there will be miles
and miles of smile just because
you smiled,
I wish your day is full of SMILE
To forget you is hard to do.
and to forget me is up to you.
Forget me not,
forget me never.
Forget this text,
but not the sender.
sweet candies r nice to eat,
sweet words r easy to say
but, sweet people r hard to find
Oh my God! how did u find me?
Night has ended 4 another day.
has come in a special way,
May u always smile like a sunny ray,
Little keys can open big locks,
Simple words reflect your thoughts,
your smile can cure heart blocks,
so keep on smiling it really rocks
A good relationship is like a sugarcane.
U crush it. u twist it. u squeeze it.
U beat it to pulp and all that u get is only sweetness.
How To Improve Your Self Confidence?
Self confidence is akin to a tool. It provides you with a sense of certainty, and helps you to manage your fears. Self confidence is usually built up through a history of positive experiences, and with an improved sense of self confidence you will find that your esteem and mental state will be greatly improved as well. If you find yourself unable to summon up courage to voice your own opinion, or to tell someone to back off when you need to, then it is probably a sign that you need to improve your self confidence.
Here are 4 easy tips that will help you do just that.
Set Goals The first step in gaining self confidence is to set realistic and achievable goals for yourself. These goals should not be unachievable nor out of reach, but should be a challenge for you so that you can improve. No goal is too small, as every little step counts and works towards achieving the next bigger goal. With set goals, you will be able to push yourself to exceed your comfort zone, and it will give you something concrete to work towards.
Step #2:
Control your Feelings, Feelings are strong emotions that can have a big impact on our self confidence. Emotions associated with fear, anxiety or distrust can undermine our self esteem, whilst others like happiness and excitement can increase our self confidence. By being able to control your emotions so that you do not fall prey to negative emotions, you will be able to project positive emotions. This makes it easier for you to act and appear more confident.
Step #3:
Have a Mentor Pick someone that you trust who will be able to give you the type of guidance that you are looking for. Make sure that it is someone who will not be afraid to push you to achieve your goals, and hold you accountable if you are not reaching them. It can be a friend or a family member, or a professional even. Tip #4: Take Action Do not allow yourself to procrastinate as you need to take active steps in order to build confidence. It is often a vicious cycle if you insist on waiting for your confidence to improve first before taking action to help you grow your self-confidence. Based on the goals that you have set for yourself, set aside an hour or so everyday to work on doing activities that will help you to achieve those targets. Stop yourself from worrying about being unprepared, or not confident enough to approach new activities. Whilst it is normal to worry, it is important that you do not do so excessively. There are many possibilities open to you, and you need to be receptive to developing your own self-confidence.
Have you seen the recent TV commercials by Monster.com? One creative spot shows an entire town waking before sunrise in a panic and taking ordinary, shiny household items to the top of a hill in an attempt to reflect the coming sun back upon itself, thus avoiding the beginning of Monday and the start of a new workweek. When the sun rises anyway, everyone turns dejectedly and walks back to their homes in order to get ready for work.If your work is having a similar effect on you, take a step back to contemplate why you work in the first place. Sure, bills need to get paid and your family should be taken care of. But shouldn’t your work really be an extension of your life? What would it look like to wake before your alarm on Monday excited for a new workweek? That is what I do and I would not have it any other way. Instead of planning your life around your work, plan your work around your life.You may find it helpful to clarify the “what” (your passion) and then work on developing the “how-to” (the plan to get you there). You will be happy you did!.
Ez Way To Download Wii Games.
Since the Nintendo Wii is still fairly new, many people are not aware that there are websites that offer full Wii games for download. You can download games for just about every other system, so a few companies decided to build websites that specialize in Nintendo Wii downloads.You have to sign-up as a member at these websites and can then download all sorts of Wii games, movies, TV shows and music just by logging in.You can find the games you see in the stores and there are also a bunch of games that have been converted from other systems into a format that you can use on the Wii. It's interesting the selection they have.You will be asked to pay a fee to become a member but thank full it's not expensive. The registration fee costs about $50 and gets you a lifetime membership to the website. There are a few websites that will charge a monthly fee - stay away from these as they end up being a lot more expensive. Your best bet is to find a Wii download website that only charges a one-time fee for unlimited downloads.You will find a link at the bottom of this article - you can use it to learn how to get a free trial at a couple of the most popular Wii download websites. When you register, the software that you need to be able to use the files on your Wii is automatically included.There's no question that Nintendo came up with a winner when it launched the Wii. It keeps selling out and finding new fans every day. Downloading Wii games is a great way to keep up with the latest games and not worry about having to fork over some cash each time you want to try something new. We gotta want you though - it's addictive!
Steps To The Success.
The “keys to success” have been contemplated, pondered, and investigated for hundreds of years. Everybody is looking for “the keys to success”; simply because it is an inner motivation with the human psyche. Everybody has a desire to be successful in some form or other.The movie, “The Secret,” became an overnight success when it was featured on Oprah, CNN, and other television shows. It is on the Law of Attraction and the vibrational energy we are always creating. In the home business industry we have always known about the Law of Attraction; simply, because the industry is all about personal development to assist us in becoming successful in our relationships, finances, health, business, and our spiritual lives. I've discovered that there are four simple “keys to success” at the heart of the creation process in getting whatever you want by doing the following four steps to achieve any goal you have.
1. STEP ONE: KNOW WHAT YOU WANT The first “key to success is knowing what you want. Yet, this most basic first step is missed by the majority of people. But, you really must know what you want in order to get what you want as specifically as possible. Daydreaming about your future will not bring you what you want. The only way to get what you want is to decide with clarity and focus exactly what you want to create.So how do you know what you want? First of all, you must know what you DON’T want. So, first of all write down what you don’t want--just to be clear with yourself. Then, write down what you want starting with your desires, your dreams, and everything that you do want for your life. Then pick the one thing on your list that you know you could accomplish if you dedicated some energy to it and forget about the rest. Then, focus, focus, and focus.Don't waste your energy wishing and dreaming for a million and one things; ---just pick one. Just as the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, the journey to your ideal life also begins with a single goal. Begin with an easy, do-able goal that you have not unaccomplished. Write them down as specifically and exactly what it is you will create. After you accomplish the first goal then, you can move on to the next goal.2. STEP TWO: FOCUS ON WHAT YOU WANT The second “key to success” is that you must give positive focused thought, energy, and attention to your goal. You must imprint it on your conscious and subconscious mind until it becomes reality. Remember, thought is blindingly fast compared to the manifestation of thoughts into reality. As you practice this system and become more confident your thoughts will come into reality much more quickly.You must keep your energy, intention, and attention directly on your goal. You must focus on what you want, not on what you DON’T want. Stop complaining about things that are not the way you want them to be. Instead, decide how you would like them to be and focus on that. Take a look at your goal every day; give it positive focus and attention. Before you fall asleep and after you wake up, instead of worrying about your problems, imagine your goal successfully attained, and “FEEL” how you would feel if your goal was already accomplished. Go to sleep with this feeling and your subconscious mind will quickly find a way to bring it into your reality.3. STEP THREE: TAKE ACTION NOW!The third “key to success” is that you must take action towards your goal and you must take action right now! Making plans to take action is not action. It doesn't matter how tiny the action is or how insignificant you might feel it is; you must take action now with some small step.You must convince your subconscious mind that you are serious about accomplishing your goal, and there is nothing more convincing than taking action. No matter where you are along your path to your goal, no matter how near or far you might feel to be, there is always an obvious next step you can take. Take that step in this present moment right now!If your goal is truly out of your hands, you need a new goal. Waiting for other people to change or give you what you want is a sure way to always be unsatisfied. You must pick a goal you are in control of and do whatever it takes to make it come true. That is the only path to power and mastery in life; and the only way to ever feel fulfilled.4. STEP FOUR: CHOOSE THE SAME THING EVERY DAY The fourth ‘key to success” is that you must be consistent with your actions. You must, consistently, choose the same goal every day until your goal is accomplished. You cannot send out constantly changing vague wishes into the universe and expect to create results in the real world. You must decide what you want and then ask for it. If you do not provide the universe with a specific goal which you consistently take action toward; it will never come to you. However, the most important secret of all, DON’T GIVE UP UNTIL YOUR GOAL IS ACCOMPLISHED.These four “keys to success” are success strategies that have worked by millions of people and will work for you also. Don’t wait—just decide what you want and get started. HOW that goal is going to be accomplished is not important. Clarity comes after commitment and these four “keys to success” are simple to do!
Home Business
We all know there are many benefits to having a home based business; but while watching the interview with Bruce Winston of Business Week.com talk about how over 46 million Americans do not receive sick pay, as a home business owner I had to smile.I don't have any statistics to provide you that shows people who work from home are healthier than those that go to an office building everyday that filters old stale air day after day. But it should be obvious, home business owners have an advantage. They do not have to deal with dirty air or sick people sitting next to them everyday passing on those cold and flu germs.
Productivity Bruce was really talking about the ethics of someone going to work sick. Unfortunately, when their employer can not or does not pay for that time off employees are forced to show up for work sick if they expect to get paid.It makes you wonder since we all know that when you do not feel well you are not very productive. You can not think clearly and you spend more time focused on not feeling good.When you're the boss you can stay home, you can pay yourself sick pay and you can stay in bed and get better. This is better for your health and everyone you dealing with daily. Not stressing your body by going into work will increase your recovery time, allowing you to get back to more productive business activities sooner.Increased Home Start Ups This is just another reason why there is such a huge influx of new home business start ups everyday. Parents with young children have a difficult decision every time their children or they get sick. Daycare will not take the child and their boss is not going to pay them to stay home to care for them.This is a huge benefit for parents with young children. Working from home allows parents to meet both needs: care for their ill child while building a business.This is not to say that people who work from home do not get sick, they most certainly do. But not being exposed to all those germs day after day during the cold and flu season certainly gives them a better chance of staying healthy.So if you're looking for one more reason to start your own home business then look to your health. Having the ability to make your own choice is rewarding, and ultimately more productive to your business.
Last week's finale of America 's Next Top Model had a lot in store for fans as the relatively boring ninth cycle came to a close. For a little bit of a recap, Jenah Doucette was eliminated before she could become of the final two girls. It was mostly due to the judges' concern about her personality, which has been an issue echoing in the last few judgment days. Of course, fans were surprised to see a modeled with brilliant photos walk away. Then there's Saleisha Stowers' win, which sparked controversy about her previous modeling experience and her connections with Tyra Banks.The final episode showcased some really juicy (and fruity) photos of the remaining girls, and we'd like to take this opportunity to criticize them. For the last challenge, the girls were to do the usual Cover Girl photo shoot but this time a commercial one wherein the goal was to be beautiful, cheerful, appealing and aspirational. Let's start with the most tasteful photo of the finale which happens to be Chantal Jones'. Her picture turned out to be cute, cheerful and free of any major defects, except maybe for her odd looking bun, which was probably the stylist's fault.
Moving on to the less tasteful and awkward photos are those of Saleisha and Jenah, whose pictures showed off their problem area, instead of hiding it. As for Saleisha, her lack of neck was showcased in the photo which lacked airspace between her left shoulder and her chin. It seems that Tyra's advice hasn't sunk in, as Tyra previously mentioned that there's a distinction between the way actresses look in their magazine photos and how a model is supposed to look. Unfortunately, Saleisha didn't pull of a model on this photo.As for Jenah, she still looks awesome on the photo, but the shot was least flattering. Her teeth seem to stand out, and if they're not careful with the pose, they tend to really be prominent.At long last America 's Next Top Model has finally come to a close, and we are left with the winner of them all, Saleisha Stowers. Whether we like it or not, she's made a wave in the series, and will continue to do so in her new found modeling career.
Traditional Movies are made up of a series of individual images called frames. When these images are shown rapidly in succession, a viewer has the illusion that motion is occurring. The viewer cannot see the flickering between frames due to an effect known as persistence of vision, whereby the eye retains a visual image for a fraction of a second after the source has been removed. Viewers perceive motion due to a psychological effect called beta movement.The origin of the name "film" comes from the fact that photographic film (also called film stock) had historically been the primary medium for recording and displaying motion pictures. Many other terms exist for an individual motion picture, including picture, picture show, photo-play, flick, and most commonly, movie. Additional terms for the field in general include the big screen, the silver screen, the cinema, and the movies
A Review
This film revolves around Emma Lloyd played by Uma Thurma. After giving some advice on her radio show a woman divorces her husband played by Jeffrey Dean Morgan only for him to then marry Emma Lloyd to take revenge and meddle in her love life. Colin Firth also makes an appearance as the fiancĂ© of Emma Lloyd. However, despite his squeaky clean image and being a genuinely nice guy, he is emotionally abused and walked all over throughout the film. For this reason rather than loving the character and hoping for them to get together you end up really disliking Emma Lloyd and Jeffrey Dean Morgan. Colin Firth gives a decent performance and is his usual like able self. This is another romantic comedy performance for Uma Thurman who has also relatively recently appeared in My Super Ex-Girlfriend which was an equally dismal film and equally dull performance from Uma Thurman. She is more suited to the ‘Kill Bill’ or even ‘Pulp Fiction’ roles which helped to make her name as an actress. Jeffrey Dean Morgan also provides an OK performance and that is indicative of this film. Everything is ok but that is not good enough for a film to be a success.
The film turns into one monotonous dialogue with few real twists or any twists that there were, were easy predict. There is really not enough plot or character development to make this film interesting and to be honest i can’t properly remember large sections of the film, as nothing happened! There is the odd funny line but not enough for a romantic comedy especially one with such a poor plot. Ultimately, i found this film a real disappointment. Admittedly, i am not a fan of romantic comedies but compared to other recent romantic comedies like ‘Definitely Maybe’ and ‘P.S I Love You’ this film is terrible. There is not enough humor, the characters are not like able, very little happens and the dialogue is weak. I would really recommend seeing this film no matter who you are unless you are really set on seeing this film. If you do see this film, good luck!AND
Write Your ebook in Short Time
So I began writing the sales pages first. This way, I can add in all the extras that I want, without causing any additional work. Using this technique, I can finish an e-book in about half the time that it took me previously. If you are considering writing your own e-book, think about creating your sales page first. Although I won’t say that it is best method for everyone, it is a system that works well for me.Are you making money with your online business? Do you want to know how I make money? Check out my newest e-book and start making money every day!
Make Money Through e-books !
But writing your first e-book need not be so scary. Many people think that their first e-book has to be one of those giant 150 page wonders. Not true. As a beginner, you would be much better off by starting small. You can begin your first project by writing a mini-ebook. A mini-e-book consists of about 5 to 15 pages.Before those negative thoughts begin to creep in, let me say this: if you can write a 500 word article like this one, you can write a mini-ebook. Start out by determining what information you want to include in your e-book. Develop a detailed outline. Each outline heading will represent one chapter of your e-book. Using your outline, write one article for each chapter heading. Don’t worry; you don’t have to finish it in a day. My first e-book took me three months to write.After you have finished writing all of the articles, read through them to make sure that the information flows nicely. Assemble the articles together into one document and your mini-ebook is done. You won’t get a premium price for a mini-ebook. But you can easily sell them at a price of 3 to 7 dollars. One benefit to selling mini-e-books; they normally convert at much higher rates than larger full sized e-books. After you have completed a couple of mini’s, you’ll feel much more confident about developing a full size, and hopefully- premium priced, e-book of your own.